
Sr. No. Circulars/Orders Name
101 HR Corporate Communication - 24.01.2011
102 Mobile Handset to SM & Above
103 Fin, HR Wing in ANS
104 JEE Posting 2011
105 Placement of JEE in AM Scale 2011
106 Departmental Manager Postings 2011
107 JEE Postings 03.03.2011
108 Change of Posting-Dept Managers 2011
109 JEE Postings - 22.03.2011
110 Perks Clarification - LTC Fuel HRD etc
111 JEE Postings 05.04.2011
112 Nomination Form Election 2011-12
113 Notification Election dates 2011-12
114 Manager Postings 19.04.2011
115 ANS Hierarchy - Region
116 Guidelines for forwarding of applications
117 HBA Insurance Coverage - regarding
118 GM Promotions 26.04.2011
119 Election 2011-12 Nominations
120 Election 2011-12 NR Nominations
121 Night Shift Allowance Order 11.05.2011
122 Election Result NR 2011-12
123 Election Result Central Council 2011-12
124 Indra ATS Automation Postings 27.05.2011
125 Category of Stations 31.05.2011
126 E-2 Placement 01.06.2011
127 Night Shift Allowance Clarification 01.06.2011
128 Jt GM Promotions 03.06.2011
129 APD Grade-III Order 04.06.2011
131 Stagnation in CNS
132 Letter on delay in promotions & transfer
133 AGM Promotions 20.06.2011
134 AM Promotions & Transfers 29.06.2011
135 JEE Transfers 01.07.2011
136 Transfer AGM & SM 2011
137 JGM/DGM (CNS) posting and Transfer-2011
138 Promotion JGM & DGM
139 Manager Transfers 20.07.2011
140 AM & JEE Transfers Amendments 21.07.2011
141 AGM Promotions 29.07.2011
142 HBA - Conveyance - Computer Advance 03.08.2011
143 ED Transfers 10.08.2011
144 Transfer Amendment 19.08.2011
145 ED (CNS-OM) Promotion 20.09.2011
146 IFATSEA 41st General Assembly Skopje, Macedonia
147 Festival Allowance Order
148 ED (Tech) & Apt Systems Order
149 Proficiency Exam Letter 18.10.2011
150 Manager Postings 02.11.2011
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